Conrad LLP has a wealth of experience servicing governmental clients of all sizes. Conrad LLP is a GSA Contract Holder with the Federal Government as well as holds contracting vehicles with a host of State and Local Government entities.
GSA Contract |
Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
This Multiple Award Schedule provides Federal agencies with direct access to professionals that can thoroughly address the needs of the Federal financial community. PSS not only gives agencies access to a multitude of professional financial services, but it also provides agencies with the ability to customize the services to meet their specific needs. The PSS schedule allows for choice, flexibility, ease of use, and access to quality firms in the financial arena. Conrad LLP has been awarded the following Special Item Numbers: 541219 - Budget & Financial Management Services 541211 - Auditing Services 541611 - Management & Financial Consulting, Acquisition & Grants Management Support, & Business Program & Project Management Services OLM - Order-Level Materials Contract Number : GS-23F-056AA Period of Performance: September 17, 2013 through September 16, 2028 Access Conrad LLP's GSA Pricelist here |
Request for Proposals |
Please use the form below if you would like to send Conrad LLP an RFP or RFQ.